Monday, October 13, 2014

I have free bees for you

At our last club meeting, a newer member said, "My neighbor has some bees if anyone wants to come and get them.  They are free."  Immediately a hand rose in the air.  Because, after all, we all love free bees.  Right? 

"But wait a minute", chimed a more seasoned veteran.  "Are these bees in a hive?  Or, just exactly where are they living?"  A few text messages later, the response was "they have been living ON my neighbors pine tree".    How quickly the tone of the discussion changed but it became a quick lesson for all.  Honey bees don't typically live ON trees.

Yes, they may swarm and land on trees.  But, that isn't typical in mid October.  And, if they do, it is only for a day - not a permanent residence. 

There are many insects that are colored black and yellow.  Many of them are very aggressive and can put out a wallop of a sting.  So, before traveling 3 counties over for some free bees, be sure you ask a few questions first. 

Which leads to a question posed by the club members.  Can we have someone come and talk about the other types of insects that resemble honey bees? So, I'm looking for a speaker that can discuss bees - good, bad, and ugly as well as those that want to be bees but really aren't bees.  Any suggestions?

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